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RYCO’s Governing Board deepens and concretizes the Regional Dialogue

  /  RYCO’s Governing Board deepens and concretizes the Regional Dialogue
In July 2018, youth representatives of the RYCO Governing Board met to learn about examples of regional cooperation in Europe and to launch an initiative to concretize and further strengthen regional cooperation and the quality of regional dialogue and ``regional thinking`` within the Governing Board. They discussed questions as: “What does regional cooperation mean from a political and intercultural point of view? What are inspirations and best practice experiences in Europe to strengthen cooperation and collaboration across borders?“
As a first result of this initiative, a bilateral working meeting of the representatives of the Governing Board from Albania and Montenegro and of the members of the Governing Board from Macedonia and Serbia took place in December 2018 in Tirana.
ryco In a public discussion with young people and in a brain-storming with experts and representatives of international organizations, the members of the Governing Board developed initial ideas for the further development and strengthening of intercultural, bi- and multilateral and institutional cooperation in the Governing Board. A further meeting of the Governing Board representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo* will take place in Pristina in spring.
The aim of the initiative is to promote and strengthen dialogue on regional cooperation within the RYCO Governing Board. The results (working papers) of the three bilateral working groups are to be summarised by the Governing Board into a joint statement on the ``importance of regional cooperation``.