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More about Friends of RYCO

  /  More about Friends of RYCO

Who coordinates „Friends of RYCO“?

The site and platform „Friends of RYCO“ is initiated and maintained by Crossborder factory Berlin, in cooperation with the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Belgrade (both partner organisations of RYCO) and with financial support of the Franco-German Youth Office, Paris/Berlin and the German Foreign Ministry. All content is coordinated with RYCO's secretariat.
Legal responsiblity for this page:
Crossborder factory gUG
Saarbrückerstr. 24
10405 Berlin

Who can become „friend of RYCO“?

Individuals, especially young people, governmental and non-governmental organisations or companies who support RYCO's objectives and work can become „friend of RYCO“. A short „Friends of RYCO Charter“ will be online in January 2019. The entry as „Friend of RYCO“ can be subject to a case-by-case review by the persons responsible for this website.

Status and rules

„Friends of RYCO“ is a platform to inform about the work of RYCO and to support the work of RYCO with flanking projects. These include in particular projects to strengthen and support RYCO's political work, the quality of exchange projects, the cooperation with political institutions such as members of parliaments WB6 (MPs) and new approaches to deepening regional cooperation, from which young people from the Western Balkans benefit.

Obligations and rights

The registration at „friends of RYCO“ does not include any financial or other obligations and rights.

Projects and participation

For regional exchange programmes for young people please find on this website or on the website of RYCO the current „Open Call“ of RYCO, where you can apply for financial support of projects directly at RYCO.
In cooperation with RYCO, the platform „friends of RYCO“ and its coordinators also initiate flanking projects to strengthen and support RYCO's political work, the quality of exchange projects, the cooperation with political institutions such as parliaments WB6 and new approaches to deepening regional cooperation. Project ideas and suggestions on how to further strengthen cross-border dialogue and regional cooperation, especially among young citizens, are always welcome. Please sent us your ideas.